Hip pain relief in Naples, FL

Our bodies constantly adapt to stress; depending on our anatomy, different sports and positions can cause stress on the femoral neck and hip socket. Over time, this can result in a bony growth called a CAM or Pincer lesion. This bony growth is what causes pinching in the front of the hip. Over time, this can cause fraying and damage to the hip labrum. Most of the time, conservative care can balance the hip enough to stop the pinching. However, if it is severe enough, sometimes surgery is required.

Do you experience pain or pinching in the front of your hip?

If so, you might have femoral acetabular impingement. Femoral acetabular impingement often develops in young athletes who play rotational sports like baseball, hockey, and softball and in sports like dance and gymnastics

People with femoral acetabular impingement have a sharp pinching pain when they squat or internally rotate their leg (turn their foot or leg inwards). This pinching can be nagging and annoying and, if left untreated, can eventually cause labral issues.

What can be done?

Because FAI is a bony adaptation, nothing structurally can be done in our office. However, through adjusting and rehabilitation we can activate the proper musculature to balance and stabilize the hip. Good hip stabilization utilizes the right muscles around the hip to create more room in the hip socket so the athlete doesn’t feel the pinching and can return to sport pain-free.

Just because you have pinching in your hip doesn’t mean it is FAI, either. Pinching can be a result of tight and tense musculature as well.

Other Causes of Hip Pain

Hip Labrum

If you suspect or are told that you have a torn labrum, a trial of conservative care is warranted. Surgery for hip labral repairs is rehab intensive and is a long recovery. We have excellent results in preventing surgery with Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and functional rehabilitation. We work to balance and activate the proper hip musculature to take the stress away from the labrum and decompress the hip joint to keep you doing what you love.

General Hip Pain

Hip pain can come in many forms, which is why an evaluation is essential. Recent studies have shown that most hip pain (over 70%) comes from your lower back. A Mckenzie and joint assessment will determine if the low back or the hip is the pain generator.

If you have been struggling with hip pain, a spinal examination is beneficial to determine the source of your nagging hip pain.

Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

People with greater trochanteric bursitis experience pain right on the bony aspect of the outside of their hip. Trochanteric bursitis is usually tender to the touch and is painful to lay or sleep on. Dry needling can be beneficial for this condition.

Patient Testimonials

Chiropractic Pain Solutions in Naples, Florida helped with my hip pain. I'm so, so grateful to the team.

  • Sam S., Ave Maria, FL

Types of Hip Pain

General Hip Pain

Hip pain can come in many forms, which is why an evaluation is essential. Recent studies have shown that most hip pain (over 70%) comes from your lower back. A musculoskeletal assessment will determine if the low back or the hip is the pain generator.If you have been struggling with hip pain, a spinal examination is beneficial to determine the source of your nagging hip pain.

Hip Labrum

If you suspect or are told that you have a torn labrum, a trial of conservative care is warranted. Surgery for hip labral repairs is rehab intensive and is a long recovery. We have excellent results in preventing surgery with Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and functional rehabilitation. We work to balance and activate the proper hip musculature to take the stress away from the labrum and decompress the hip joint to keep you doing what you love.

Greater Trochanteric Bursitis

People with greater trochanteric bursitis experience pain right on the bony aspect of the outside of their hip. Trochanteric bursitis is usually tender to the touch and is painful to lay or sleep on. Dry needling can be beneficial for this condition.